Sunday, April 15, 2007

Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

Where were you when Captain America died?
It’s true, people. Steve Rogers—the heroic Captain America—was gunned down by a sniper’s bullet in Captain America #25.
Death in comics has become cliché at times. The cardinal rule in comics is that only Bucky stays dead. Marvel broke that rule awhile back revealing that Cap’s sidekick—thought killed in WWII—was actually the Winter Soldier. So maybe it should be only Uncle Ben stays dead…
Still, I have read several deaths in comics. Marvel Girl. Superman. Hawkeye.
But to have Cap killed after surrendering to end Marvel’s Civil War and learn about it on the Channel 8 evening news… yeah, it came as a shocker. Marvel did a good job keeping this one under the radar. I don’t think anyone saw it coming.
I’m not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but I find it curious how these fictional characters can move us emotionally. Be it Cap, Mr. Eko, Apollo Creed, Dumbledore…
Still, I find it hard to believe that Cap is gone forever. The question right now is how will his book continue with the main character dead but it certainly makes for interesting reading. I’m sure it may take a few years and then Steve Rogers will return to his rightful mantle but until then, you still miss Big Blue.
So, until then, permission to stand down, soldier. Permission to stand down…

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