Okay, so I am currently working in the produce department of a local grocery store to give us money while Amy is in school. It’s not a bad job. It’s not excessively hard work. It’s air-conditioned. I like the majority of my co-workers. I try not to think about the fact that this is the same place I worked in high school. I don’t want to fall into that trap of “I’m too good for this job but too lazy to go out and find a better one.” I know that I am out as soon as Amy gets a job and that will allow me to go back to writing full time. (More on that in the next blog!)
It is no secret (at least to me) that the grocery business is a young man’s game. And in a few more years, I will be bringing Alex and Jason to meet my man James to get them a job. So working in the place gives me a certain connection to the youth of today.
So I am working today with my guy Nolan. So we are lining up the apples and Dave (my boss) is working the fruit. And I’m yelling (if you can call it that) about how the apple overflow should always be to the right. It was kind of a “Laces OUT, Dan!” moment.
So Dave comments on how the rack should be a living breathing thing that can expand and contract, giving more space to items that sell more. To this I said, “Well I guess if you want anarchy and chaos to reign.”
Dave talked about how I clearly needed to having things neat and orderly.
It is no secret (at least to me) that the grocery business is a young man’s game. And in a few more years, I will be bringing Alex and Jason to meet my man James to get them a job. So working in the place gives me a certain connection to the youth of today.
So I am working today with my guy Nolan. So we are lining up the apples and Dave (my boss) is working the fruit. And I’m yelling (if you can call it that) about how the apple overflow should always be to the right. It was kind of a “Laces OUT, Dan!” moment.
So Dave comments on how the rack should be a living breathing thing that can expand and contract, giving more space to items that sell more. To this I said, “Well I guess if you want anarchy and chaos to reign.”
Dave talked about how I clearly needed to having things neat and orderly.
To which I replied, “Yes. I would have made a great Stormtrooper. Or more accurate, Clone Trooper. And I mean the cool clone troopers. Not the guys from Episode II with the fin. I mean the 501st Troopers from Episode III. The guys with the bad ass helmets with the T-visors and the blue armor. Right, Nolan?”
To which Nolan says, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Of course, I am appaled by this and said, “You have seen Star Wars right?”
And he talks about how he saw them a long time ago.
I said, “A long time ago? Episode I came out in ’99?”
At which time Nolan would have been around eight-years-old.
Now, keep in mind, I’m only 32-years-old but, suddenly, I feel very… very… old.
To which Nolan says, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Of course, I am appaled by this and said, “You have seen Star Wars right?”
And he talks about how he saw them a long time ago.
I said, “A long time ago? Episode I came out in ’99?”
At which time Nolan would have been around eight-years-old.
Now, keep in mind, I’m only 32-years-old but, suddenly, I feel very… very… old.

Note: When I hit the lottery, along with a Vader costume, I will totally have 501st Clone Trooper costumes on manniquens standing guard at the entrance to my home theater. Maybe more than two. Maybe four or six... Oh yes. I will have them…
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