I know I have been away. But typically, there are two reasons for a delay of almost a month per blog update. 1) Not a whole lot is going on worth reporting or 2) too much stuff is going on. Thankfully, this time around, it is the latter.
I have been very busy with comic book work that has delayed me from regular updates. Still, that is a pretty good thing, especially that I am about to work on one of the biggest profile projects of my very early and burgeoning writing career. Damn my Nondisclosure Agreements or I would be screaming from the mountaintops… if we actually had mountains in Northeaster Oklahoma.
Some good news. When you are surrounded by crap, sometimes you just don’t realize how crappy the stuff you have is… until you get new stuff. Thanks to some financial wrangling, I was able to purchase new furniture for the living room and a new computer for myself. And I didn’t realize how bad my old stuff was until I started working and relaxing with the new stuff. Huge world of difference. The air is sweeter. Food tastes better. It is a great feeling all the way around.
More good news. The finish line for Amy’s schooling is now officially in sight. I honestly cannot see any reason why she will not be taking her final exam for certification in March or the first week in April at the very latest. After this week, she moves into her preceptorship (think of it like super-clinicals), where she has to complete either eight 12-hour days or 12 8-hours days. Once these are done, it is exit exam, certification exam, and then off to find a job in the medical market. Thankfully, regardless of the state of the economy, people are not going to quit getting sick.
She is planning on doing the bridge program from LPN to RN at RSU ASAP (could I fit in more random letters into that statement?). Even if Amy works the weekend (say Friday, Saturday, Sunday), she would make more money than I would if I worked my five days. So she can work and go to school.
So what does this do for RMF Enterprises? If Amy can get a steady paycheck coming in each week, I no longer have to struggle to make ends meet with my current 9-to-5 job. I switch to a part time position (say two days a week) and begin dedicating 5 days a week to writing, which is where I am really happy. So this is the reason for the lack of updates. A lot of stuff going on behind the scenes which, hopefully, I will be able to talk about very soon…
I have been very busy with comic book work that has delayed me from regular updates. Still, that is a pretty good thing, especially that I am about to work on one of the biggest profile projects of my very early and burgeoning writing career. Damn my Nondisclosure Agreements or I would be screaming from the mountaintops… if we actually had mountains in Northeaster Oklahoma.
Some good news. When you are surrounded by crap, sometimes you just don’t realize how crappy the stuff you have is… until you get new stuff. Thanks to some financial wrangling, I was able to purchase new furniture for the living room and a new computer for myself. And I didn’t realize how bad my old stuff was until I started working and relaxing with the new stuff. Huge world of difference. The air is sweeter. Food tastes better. It is a great feeling all the way around.
More good news. The finish line for Amy’s schooling is now officially in sight. I honestly cannot see any reason why she will not be taking her final exam for certification in March or the first week in April at the very latest. After this week, she moves into her preceptorship (think of it like super-clinicals), where she has to complete either eight 12-hour days or 12 8-hours days. Once these are done, it is exit exam, certification exam, and then off to find a job in the medical market. Thankfully, regardless of the state of the economy, people are not going to quit getting sick.
She is planning on doing the bridge program from LPN to RN at RSU ASAP (could I fit in more random letters into that statement?). Even if Amy works the weekend (say Friday, Saturday, Sunday), she would make more money than I would if I worked my five days. So she can work and go to school.
So what does this do for RMF Enterprises? If Amy can get a steady paycheck coming in each week, I no longer have to struggle to make ends meet with my current 9-to-5 job. I switch to a part time position (say two days a week) and begin dedicating 5 days a week to writing, which is where I am really happy. So this is the reason for the lack of updates. A lot of stuff going on behind the scenes which, hopefully, I will be able to talk about very soon…