Okay, so I will admit that self-deprecating humor is kind of my bread and butter. The other day, Amy and I are watching TV and there is a commercial for AllTel with their blonde spokesperson Chad being hauled into a van by his cell phone rivals.
After some conversation, Chad asks the guy in the yellow shirt, “What level Dungeon Master are you?”
I narrowed my eyes and was a split second away from saying “DMs don’t have levels.”
But before I could speak, the yellow shirt guy (I think he might be Sprint) scoffs at him and says, “Dungeon Masters don’t have levels… Dork.”
At this comment, my wife bursts into hysterical laughter and looks over at me…It’s not easy being a geek but somehow, I manage…
After some conversation, Chad asks the guy in the yellow shirt, “What level Dungeon Master are you?”
I narrowed my eyes and was a split second away from saying “DMs don’t have levels.”
But before I could speak, the yellow shirt guy (I think he might be Sprint) scoffs at him and says, “Dungeon Masters don’t have levels… Dork.”
At this comment, my wife bursts into hysterical laughter and looks over at me…It’s not easy being a geek but somehow, I manage…