Top Ten Cool Things in My Life Right Now
10. My Blog. In August, I will have been keeping this blog for a year. Recently I made the decision to archive these entries on my hard drive which I will eventually print out. It is a neat little time capsule that reflects back on my life. It’s like a journal but cooler. If you don’t have one, get one.
09. Christmas Shopping. That’s right, losers. Christmas shopping for my wife is over. God bless overtime hours. Eat it, procrastinators. I am your antithesis. Fear and/or worship me!
08. My DVR. We recently upgraded our satellite package and now we have a DVR (Digital Video Recorder). I’ve quit watching live TV and now I can fast forward through commercials. Watch what I want when I want. Pause live TV if someone calls. Totally cool.
07. Darth Vader. I’m currently reading Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader which is the novel sequel to Episode III. It is a very unique look and insight into film’s greatest villain.
06. Breaking Benjamin. I’ve become a big fan of Breaking Benjamin. I think the singer has a good voice and the drummer is phenomenal. I haven’t liked a rock group this much since Puddle of Mudd. Check their music out, espeically Breath, Blow Me Away, and Here We Are.
05. Tomb Raider. When people are in miserable financial shape, it means selling off prized possessions at less than market value. And since I have no pride, I’m the perfect person to capitalize on said misery! (You show me a man with pride, I’ll show you a man with limited options.) Because of this I purchased an X-Box 360. The first game I purchased? Tomb Raider: Legends. And word around the campfire is that The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is in the works for a fall release. I’m saving my money already!
04. Republic Commando. Since the X-Box 360 is backwards compatible, I now get to play all those cool games that came out for the X-Box… and play them at dirt cheap, used prices from Game Stop. My first X-Box game? Star Wars: Republic Commando! I also just got GTA: Vice City. Hey, it’s new to me!!!
03. Movie Season! While some have been disappointing (Spider-Man 3), others have lived up to the hype (Pirates of the Caribbean, Ocean’s 13) and some have exceeded expectations (Fantastic Four), I still have Live Free or Die Hard, Transformers, and the next Harry Potter to look forward to. Man, I love movies.
02. Working with Artists. Back in February, I was contracted to work on a comic book mini-series for Arcana Studios. [Details to be disclosed later.] I finished the scripts back in late March/early April and submitted them. In mid-April a very talented penciler named Gian Fernando (located in the Philippeens) was brought to the project and he has been working on the pencils. So I get pages via email every few days and it is exciting to see how the artist transforms my words into pictures. It is just very, very cool!
01. Working on Original Projects. While I have enjoyed the commission work, I have sold two original ideas to Arcana Studios. My first mini-series is about vampires. I submitted my first two (of five) issues to my publisher and my editor has given me Issues #3 & #4. Having just implimented these changes, I think the series is shaping up to be a real humdinger. I think this is going to be a real springboard to my career.
But not content to just sit idly by while waiting for edits, I have already moved on to my second original mini-series (this one about gladiators) that is going to be six issues long. I have started work on Issue #6. And it is shaping up to be a really great series. I can’t wait to tell you all more about it!!!
10. My Blog. In August, I will have been keeping this blog for a year. Recently I made the decision to archive these entries on my hard drive which I will eventually print out. It is a neat little time capsule that reflects back on my life. It’s like a journal but cooler. If you don’t have one, get one.
09. Christmas Shopping. That’s right, losers. Christmas shopping for my wife is over. God bless overtime hours. Eat it, procrastinators. I am your antithesis. Fear and/or worship me!

07. Darth Vader. I’m currently reading Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader which is the novel sequel to Episode III. It is a very unique look and insight into film’s greatest villain.
06. Breaking Benjamin. I’ve become a big fan of Breaking Benjamin. I think the singer has a good voice and the drummer is phenomenal. I haven’t liked a rock group this much since Puddle of Mudd. Check their music out, espeically Breath, Blow Me Away, and Here We Are.

04. Republic Commando. Since the X-Box 360 is backwards compatible, I now get to play all those cool games that came out for the X-Box… and play them at dirt cheap, used prices from Game Stop. My first X-Box game? Star Wars: Republic Commando! I also just got GTA: Vice City. Hey, it’s new to me!!!
03. Movie Season! While some have been disappointing (Spider-Man 3), others have lived up to the hype (Pirates of the Caribbean, Ocean’s 13) and some have exceeded expectations (Fantastic Four), I still have Live Free or Die Hard, Transformers, and the next Harry Potter to look forward to. Man, I love movies.
02. Working with Artists. Back in February, I was contracted to work on a comic book mini-series for Arcana Studios. [Details to be disclosed later.] I finished the scripts back in late March/early April and submitted them. In mid-April a very talented penciler named Gian Fernando (located in the Philippeens) was brought to the project and he has been working on the pencils. So I get pages via email every few days and it is exciting to see how the artist transforms my words into pictures. It is just very, very cool!
01. Working on Original Projects. While I have enjoyed the commission work, I have sold two original ideas to Arcana Studios. My first mini-series is about vampires. I submitted my first two (of five) issues to my publisher and my editor has given me Issues #3 & #4. Having just implimented these changes, I think the series is shaping up to be a real humdinger. I think this is going to be a real springboard to my career.
But not content to just sit idly by while waiting for edits, I have already moved on to my second original mini-series (this one about gladiators) that is going to be six issues long. I have started work on Issue #6. And it is shaping up to be a really great series. I can’t wait to tell you all more about it!!!