Monday, June 15, 2009

Coming Back to Reclaim the Throne of Internet Geek King

Fooos. Fooosh. That sound you hear is me blowing the dust off my blog. I know. It is has been a little while and all my fans (both of you) are probably wondering what has become of their master of all things geektastic. Admittedly, I have been away far too long. The MySpace page has suffered from even worse lack of attention. Let me break down the most important (and time consuming) events that have kept me away.

SCRIPT COMPLETED! My editors commissioned me for the largest script so far with a whopping total of 150-pages. Your average comic book is 22 pages, so this is almost like doing a seven-issue mini-series. (Technically it would be a 6.81 issue mini-series but who is counting? I know, me.) Also, keep in mind that at this time, I was also working full time and trying to survive the Memorial Day holiday at work. (This is the second busiest holiday of the year.)

BOOK PUBLISHED! Because of the nature of the beast, I complete written scripts much faster than an artist can draw one. I say this not to brag because I am just the monkey sitting at the keyboard. The artists are the ones with the real talent. What they have to do is hard work. So, it takes a bit longer for the art and coloring and lettering and such to come along. However, Campfire has officially released my first book called Stolen Hearts. Don’t worry; a momentous event like this is going to get its own entry…

MY LITTLE PRETTY NURSE: Back in May, Amy completed her school and passed the certification exam to gain her LPN license. She is currently searching for a job. She has done a few shifts for agencies but the work is not steady enough yet. Granted, she pulled a double shift yesterday (from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m.) and made more money that I make in a 5-day workweek at my 9-to-5. But if you only get one shift a week, it makes paying the bills tough. So she has interviews with two places for slightly less money but steady work with an actual schedule. And this bonus money has set us up to completely pay off one credit card.

“I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER”: All these factors come together to create one big plan. Allow me to explain. I make considerably more money writing comics than I do working at my 9-to-5 but the money was unreliable. Car companies don’t really like hearing, “Hey, I’ll pay you when I get paid.” They would rather have their money on the set pay date.
But once Amy starts getting her weekly paycheck, the plan is for me to quit my 9-to-5 (or possibly scale back to a minimal part time – two days a week at the most) and begin writing comics full time. Amy uses her paycheck to pay the bills and I use my income for massive projects like paying off credit cards and maybe the cars if there is enough work throughout the year.
Then, once we go debt free, we start saving to build a house. And the plan is to live as we have been living – modestly – and save up to put down a massive down payment. Suddenly, that plan seems within grasp…

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