Thursday, March 29, 2007

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

So here lately I have been burning the candle at both ends… with a blowtorch… on the sun. The sheer amount of work I have been doing has kept me from a lot of my updates but I’m hoping to change that soon.

The Family: We recently had the kids transfer schools. It was not an easy decision (and certainly not a convenient one) but it is better for the kids. The school they are at only goes to 8th grade and then they will switch back to Adair but for now, it was the best move.
Amy is going back to work for three months at the Tulsa County DA’s office to help them out and snag some quick cash while waiting to get accepted into her nursing program. She has been on the waiting list long enough and I am hoping that her school will start soon. But we are planning on using her paychecks to eliminate one of the credit cards so I am all for it. Woo-hoo! We'll be a dual income family... for a few months at least.

Work: I continue to work to support the family full time but I am also working a ton on my writing career, which has left me exhausted at times. Still, these are problems that love to meet head on. I would rather have too much work than none at all.
I have turned a corner with my career in comics and I am a stone’s throw away from getting my own original mini-series. Let me type that again. My own original mini-series!!!
Up until now I have been working on other people’s projects. Some projects I have liked, others not so much, but I have been paying my dues and now I think it is time that I move on to an original RMF concept. It would be a huge step in the right direction for my career if I could pull this feat off. Time will tell.

So, needless to say, things are going really well. I’m busting butt to get things in order before the summer season hits and things start to get really busy.

More soon!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

In democracy, it's your vote that counts. In feudalism, it's your count that votes.

So I was at my place of employment yesterday and I was making a complimentary comment about one of my fellow workers that made her laugh and she equated me to "a child." She didn't say it in a mean way but she commented about my imagination and that made me think of a section that I had on my horrendously outdated RMF Enterprises website.
Comic book author J. Michael Straczynski, penned this letter to Wizard Magazine: The Guide to Comics. You may recognize his name as he is the creator of the television series Babylon 5 and a major heavy in Hollywood. In his letter were these words of wisdom...

Wizard Readers,
You, reading this. Yeah, you, by the comics rack. Listen to me. Listen carefully. Because the lesson doesn't come around often, and you have to be attentive when it does.
Put down this issue and go into a restaurant, to a park, someplace where there are kids around. Watch the kids. They run, spontaneously; they color and draw and make up little stories, spontaneously; they sing, spontaneously. But these are all the things we become self-conscious about as we grow older. At some point, we stop drawing and coloring and making up stories because people will judge us or laugh at us. We unlearn the things that give us joy.
You've probably got people around you who don't understand why you keep wasting your time and money with comics. These are the same people whose voices we hear when we stop singing, and drawing, and telling stories. And here is the lesson: They're wrong. They're always wrong.
Follow your passion, whatever it is. Sing. Draw. Tell stories. Because the thing of it is, the remarkable, astonishing, nearly unbelievable but utterly, undeniably true thing about it is… if you follow your joy, and step out on the frontier of your passion, sooner or later, if you do it right, you can actually make a living at it.
It may sound dopey, but it’s the truest thing I know. The faces and names between the covers of this magazine stand as profound testimony to that truth.
Go thou and do likewise.
J. Michael Straczynski
Writer, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation,
occasional singer
To his letter I can only say, Amen, Brother JMS, Amen. I live my life by these words. Maybe you can to...