Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Past Events Influencing Our Future Choices

I often look at the aspect of nature and nurture and how it affects our lives. I am fairly certain that I have discussed this before in this blog how my mom was a smoker and my dad is a drinker, yet I am neither. Okay, the latter is because I have the bladder of a woman that is nine-months pregnant. I am not against drinking. It is just that my body cannot handle it anymore. Smoking is a completely different story.
My dad took jobs all his life that took him where the money was. New Jersey. California. Oklahoma. Indiana. North Carolina. And then back to Oklahoma. I often wonder if subconsciously I did not like moving around and this is why I have pretty much cemented myself in Oklahoma. I really like Oklahoma. It could just be that I really found my right area. However, long before I had kids and it was just me, people told me to move to La Jolla, California (home of Wildstorm) or Manhattan (home of Marvel Comics) to try to get a job with a comic company but being on-site an making face-to-face inquiries.
Thankfully, my career path is one interwoven with the Internet and I can email my comic scripts to my publishers. Which means I can live in the comparatively low cost of living state of Oklahoma and do more than just survive on meager comic book writer pay.
Still, debt has crippled my family. I have often said, “Imagine how far your paycheck would go if you didn’t owe anything to anyone.” Granted, that lifestyle is impossible to live. You are going to owe the water company and your cell phone bill. But sometimes life shoves you in directions that you don’t want and all you can do is hang on for dear life as you plunge down the rapids, knowing that tranquil streams are just past the whitewater.
Amy and I are plunging through the rapids right now. She is working nights for an agency and often I am leaving for my 9-to-5 when she is heading home from work. During the 4th of July holiday, it seemed like we only saw each other for an hour or two a day. I sleep when she is at work and vice versa. It takes a little getting used to.
But I have to stay focused on that end goal. That goal is to be out from underneath the credits cards and hopefully have my car paid off. If we can do that, then our only bill is Amy’s car payment. Now, suddenly, Amy is making more money than we ever have had and I am rolling along doing comic book scripts where I get paid infrequently but when I do get paid it is a fat check. And the ultimate kicker… we don’t owe anyone.
Yeah. Imagine. We are making the most money ever (for us) and we owe so little that we can actually start saving money. We can have a savings account! And we can start planning to build our first home.
It is important to have goals, kids. You have to set a goal. It gives you a finish line. It gives you something to look forward to and work towards. And when you reach that goal… it’s a pretty cool thing.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just When I Thought I Was Out…

Some of you may recognize the quote in the title. It goes: “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.” Yes, it’s from The Godfather. Now before I begin, as with most of my statements, I need a little preamble. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. And I thank the powers above everyday that I do not understand the concept of addiction. What I have is not exactly an addiction because I do not go through physical withdraws or anything. But I am an action figure collector. That’s right. I collect action figures.
Now, I know I am opening up all sorts of problems by admitting this on a public forum like the Internet. For the thousands in attendance and millions reading at home, a shiver has gone through the crowd. All around the world, females are removing panties and other unmentionable unmentionables because nothing does it for the ladies like a balding overweight man that writes comic books. But a balding overweight man that writes comic books AND collects action figures? Yeah, I have to walk around in disguises. I can barely go to my local Wal-Mart any more. And if I do, I have to go at 3:00 in the morning…
My addiction goes back to the release of the Spawn action figure line, which I collected for several years. Budgetary cutbacks caused me to stop for a little while, then the Masters of the Universe line came out. When that line ended, I switched over to Marvel Legends and my marriage almost disseminated to divorce status. Still, my desk is totally bitchin’ with all my figures ranging from the Avengers’ Mansion to my Iron Man Armory to my Sinister Six Laboratory…
See I commit action figure sacrilege and taken them out of the cases. Then they are displayed around my desk in wicked awesome displays that are very cool to look at as I write my comic book scripts.
But we are in a recession after all. Prices are going up and the cost of oil skyrocketed. Well, action figures are made of plastic. Plastic is made from oil. I think you see the connection. So the company producing Marvel Legends basically cancelled the line and went to Marvel Universe – which are action figures on a 3¾” scale as opposed to the 6” figure… and I was not about to start over.
So, with a heavy heart, I called it quits. No more. The Marvel Legends collection was finished. Still tremendously impressive but finished. And I think my wife secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
But then the itch started. The craving set in. And… just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. Yeah. They make World of Warcraft action figures. DAMMIT! I keep thinking Amy is going to stop by the courthouse on her way home from work to file the divorce papers. Still, as far as addictions go, it is certainly not the most expensive in the world. I’d write more but I am working on this cool display for my Draenei paladin… Well and I have to reinforce the front door to keep out the relentless legions of ladies that all want to get a piece of this action. If I tell them that I’ve got my Paladin to Level 46 and I’m rocking the Vanquisher’s Sword with Fiery Weapon enchantment does it make it better or worse? They are in a frenzy right now. Probably should keep that a secret…

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waving “Arrivederci” to My Soul

So, for the last two months, I will admit there has been a certain level of inactivity on the ole RMF Enterprises blog. Sure, I could equate it to writing my scripts and long hours at work and time spent tending to family business… I wish I could say it. But it’s just not the truth. Now, I don’t want people to think that I am neglecting my duties as a person, parent, and husband. I am still getting all my work done. But I have found a new pastime and a new fixation.
Obsession thy name is Warcraft.
With the upgrade to our AT&T air-card, granting up semi-high speed Internet, I have joined the millions playing the on-line fascination of World of Warcraft. And I not only acknowledge my addiction, I embrace it.
And much like a communicable disease, I have spread this obsession to my fellow coworkers and they are becoming equally infatuated with it. If you are a sports-oriented guy (particularly football), you always secretly kind of looked forward to Mondays to discuss the weekend’s games. We play fantasy football at work and there are always taunts of victory or cries of agony the next day.
Well now, with this being the off-season, the topic of discussion with my fellow players almost always falls back to the game. I could go into massive detail about the game but I will just say that it is an MMORPG and leave it at that. There are a million sites out there that can far describe it better than I can. And truth be told, the more time I spend here writing about my game, the less time I get to spend actually playing it. So if you see a drop off on postings… its probably because of that freakin’ game.