Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waving “Arrivederci” to My Soul

So, for the last two months, I will admit there has been a certain level of inactivity on the ole RMF Enterprises blog. Sure, I could equate it to writing my scripts and long hours at work and time spent tending to family business… I wish I could say it. But it’s just not the truth. Now, I don’t want people to think that I am neglecting my duties as a person, parent, and husband. I am still getting all my work done. But I have found a new pastime and a new fixation.
Obsession thy name is Warcraft.
With the upgrade to our AT&T air-card, granting up semi-high speed Internet, I have joined the millions playing the on-line fascination of World of Warcraft. And I not only acknowledge my addiction, I embrace it.
And much like a communicable disease, I have spread this obsession to my fellow coworkers and they are becoming equally infatuated with it. If you are a sports-oriented guy (particularly football), you always secretly kind of looked forward to Mondays to discuss the weekend’s games. We play fantasy football at work and there are always taunts of victory or cries of agony the next day.
Well now, with this being the off-season, the topic of discussion with my fellow players almost always falls back to the game. I could go into massive detail about the game but I will just say that it is an MMORPG and leave it at that. There are a million sites out there that can far describe it better than I can. And truth be told, the more time I spend here writing about my game, the less time I get to spend actually playing it. So if you see a drop off on postings… its probably because of that freakin’ game.

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