Thursday, June 25, 2009

Living Outside Your Comfort Zone…

Several years ago, Amy and I came up with a plan. I would go back to work while she attended college to get a degree in Nursing. People are not going to quit getting sick and nurses are always in demand. Now, even further back, Amy went to work at the Tulsa County DA’s Office while I became a full time dad. So when she wanted to make the change, I had to go back to work. I was five years out of the employment business and my skills amounted to experience in the grocery industry and the video store industry – you know real titans of financial independence. But we figured we would live a little light, struggle for a little while, and come out better in the end. (There is a joke in there about coming better in the end but I am not going to make it. I am way too classy for that vulgar humor.) So I went back to work at the grocery store that gave me a job when I was 17.
So now, the day is here. Amy is working for a nursing agency. The pro to this is that she makes more than twice what I make an hour. The con is that shifts may be few and far between. If you are making $100 an hour, it doesn’t do any good if you only work half an hour a week. But, as I predicted long ago, Amy is doing well in her nursing.
Staff is requesting her help. “We want Amy to work over here!” At one point, an established pro could not believe that this was not only her first job but also only her second shift. So now, she is doing well. There is still that lingering fear that the agency is going to quit calling but after doing this for a few weeks, I think that fear is becoming unfounded…
So, I have cut back to part time work at the grocery store. We have Fourth of July coming up. For a grocery store on the lake, it is the busiest week of the year. So, here is the thing. I hate my job but I love the people I work with. I hate that I make nightmarish amounts of money for a company that pays me peanuts. My comic book assignments are what really make me happy. Yet, I fear letting go of this job, regardless of how crappy it is. Perhaps it is all this economic uncertainty looming around everyone like a specter of doom.
I have cut back to part time and there is an option after the holiday to possibly just cut back to two days a week. I may love the place if I am only there two days a week. So, in theory, I work at the 9-to-5 two days a week and write the other five days out of the week. That would not be too bad a situation. Get me out of the house, keep me active, let me have conversations with real adults… and yet, I despise the upper levels of management (the suits). The money is not fantastic. The insurance sucks. Maybe I should just quit all together… But I love my boss. Most of the co-workers are all pretty cool. I make some side money here and there. I wouldn’t have to go to Amy for cash to buy my action figures…Needless to say, it is a question that I am having difficulty answering and this is an aspect that has been consuming my life – which means it makes it into the blog. Anyone have any advice? I’ll keep you posted…

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