Monday, February 19, 2007

Life is Good!

So after taking a few baby steps over the last several months, my career as a professional comic book writer just took a huge leap forward. I have been hired by Arcana Studios (my publisher for my last three comic book projects) for an original mini-series that is scheduled for four issues, bringing my total from 13 issues to 17.

I don’t want to disclose too much information (because I’m not certain if I should) but I am tremendously excited about this project. I’m hoping that it is the kick-start I need to get even more projects in development. I am still paying my dues and grinding it out between assignments but this could be a big project that gets me noticed.

I am writing this as I am submitting the first draft of Issue #1 to my publisher. (Hey, I would have blogged about this sooner but I had a comic to write!) I’m going to move on to Issue #2 tomorrow while my publisher handles getting an art team together.

So for the last several days, I have been in a state of painful bliss. When I get done really working hard on a script, I felt like I just came out of the ACTs. My mind has turned to mush from all those creative neurons firing and you are just exhausted but I could not be happier. While I suspected all along, I now know that writing comic books is not just something I want to do but something I have to do.
Still, there is no rest for the weary because I still have three more issues to write. More soon.

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