Monday, April 21, 2008

Rattling the Pillars of Academia

The magical man that is RMF wears many hats. Comic book writer. Produce Clerk. Husband. Father. Turnip Farmer. Love Machine. But now I get to add a new title to the resume.
College Lecturer.
On Monday the 14th, I was invited to the NSU (Northeastern State University) campus in Broken Arrow to lecture on graphic novels.
I know that sounds pretty impressive, like I am so locally famous that the teacher and students knew my work and sought me out. In truth, my sister-in-law was taking the college literature class. When they came to the section on graphic novels, she piped up saying, “My brother-in-law writes graphic novels.” The teacher asked if I would be interested in coming and speaking. So I said yes and the rest will be etched on the marble of academia for future generations to contemplate.
All and all, it was a good lecture. My editor/brother-in-law attended the lecture as well. He gave me an honest opinion about the feedback and the Q&A period of the lecture. All those in attendance (all eight of them) seemed to be interested and attentive, asking many questions that fed the lecture.
Ironically, I did not really prepare any formal notes. It was more of a shoot from the hip lecture that was fueled by answering questions that were pertinent to their education. Which meant I spent a considerable amount of time talking about the complexities and the relevance of comics in the main stream—even though heroes run around in yellow spandex.
Afterwards, students and the teacher came up to say how impressed they were and how I shed knowledge on the process… Which means they didn’t figure out that I am some no-talent hack that has lucked his way into a position in comic books. My fraud continues to go undetected!
[You can’t see it right now by I am tenting my fingers and laughing maniacally.]
But the ultimate sign that they enjoyed my lecturing is that they are planning on inviting me back in the summertime. Which means, I am not just a lecturer. I will have given a series of college lectures. If I’m not careful, I’m going to have to get a date book to pencil people into my schedule.
To celebrate this momentous occasion where I spoke at a Masters Degree-level college course, Brandon took me to Wal-Mart to hunt for Iron Man action figures.
Yes, there could be no bigger dichotomy between cool guy and geeky dork that the soul that beats within the chest of Ryan Foley. Look at me and tremble…

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