Monday, September 01, 2008

Surviving the Holiday

The grocery store where I work is definitely a seasonal location. Grand Lake has become the destination spot for the majority of the rich “south side” of Tulsa. It is a bit of a status symbol to say, “We have a house on Grand Lake.” So there are three major dates for the calendar. Fourth of July is the biggest, followed by Memorial Day and the closer is Labor Day. Thank goodness, Labor Day is now past us.
With Tulsa schools back in session, I am hoping that things will get back to a normal and more reasonable level. This means that I can spend less time exhausted after an eight hour shift and focus more of my energies towards my comic book career. I have discovered that I am truly happy when I am writing. That is the profession that I was created for and while it is a sometimes daunting and difficult task, I truly enjoy it. I really do.
After writing fight choreography for Greek warriors or plotting the monstrous abilities of the next undead horror for my next assignment, shucking onions and stocking potatoes just don’t seem to have the same effect on me.
Still, I love a lot of the people that I work with. There are all kinds of jokes and laughter and camaraderie. I’ve discovered that I am not there for the work. I’m there for the paycheck and the friendships. And after weekends like this one, I swear I see some of these people more than I see my own family.
But now, with the hustle and bustle of the summer season slowly winding down, good things are on the horizon. The weather is cooling off. (I don’t have to run the AC all day!) Television shows are getting ready to start airing new shows (PRISON BREAK STARTS TONIGHT!!!). Football season is right around the corner. (The Giants are defending their world championship title!) The kids are back in school. (My food bill should drop dramatically!) And I can turn my attention back to writing more, which helps my income level and makes me substantially happier. This in turn makes me a better husband, a better father, and a better friend. Thank goodness things are getting back to normal!

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