Monday, September 13, 2010

Find Your Hope...

It seems like life and your journey has been the source of countless songs over generations. It might be Aerosmith reminding you that “life’s a journey, not a destination,” or Miley Cyrus telling you “ain’t about what’s waiting on the side… it’s the climb.” But a life without hope is a terrible thing. Hope spring eternal and you have to believe that the next day will be better than the last.
You have to make constant strides to improve yourself. In life, you are either growing or you are dying. There can be no stagnation because that draws complacency. And that is when you grow lazy, unfocused, and things can slip away from you.
Fight. Fight as if your life depends on it because chances are… it does. Fight for what you want and what you believe in. Hope. Hope for the best but make your destiny yours. And if you need some inspiration, here are some words that spoke volumes to me here very recently…

Hope looks for the good in people instead of harping on the worst.
Hope opens doors where despair closes them.
Hope discovers what can be done instead of
grumbling about what cannot.
Hope draws its power from a deep trust in God
and in the basic goodness of mankind.
Hope lights a candle instead of cursing the darkness.
Hope regards problems, small or large, as opportunities.
Hope sets big goals and is not frustrated by
repeated difficulties or setbacks.
Hope accepts misunderstanding as the price
for serving the greater good of others.
Hope is a good loser because it has the divine assurance of final victory.

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