Friday, August 10, 2007

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two tired.

It’s ironic that my last blog entry was talking about my mother. Today should have been my mom’s 58th birthday. Having the day off from work and not realizing that it was the 10th, the date might have passed unnoticed until my wife reminded me this morning. I’ll say it again. Cancer sucks kids.
I’ve been away from the blog for a few days because of my work schedule and a number of projects but I am hoping to get on a more regular routine with the kids getting ready to get back in school. I have been working at my 9-to-5 job that is not exactly 9-to-5, I’ve been working on art approvals for my comic book projects, and I have been working on some personal projects to improve my home and family life.
Unfortunately, most of my spare time has returned as my XBox 360 experienced the “Ring of Death,” also known as a general hardware failure. Thank God Microsoft has the problem fixed via warranty but I am without my video games for about two weeks. Microsoft is supposed to be setting up a support group in my area but they haven’t found a building big enough to hold us all.
Of course, with my system down, this puts a definite crimp in my latest personal project. While I tremendously enjoy writing the comic book script, I got my start back around 1998 writing short stories for the on-line Tomb Raider community. (This was long before the Angelina Jolie movies made Lara Croft a household name.)
When I purchased my XBox 360 secondhand cheap, the first game I bought was Tomb Raider Legend bringing me back to the TR franchise after a substantial absence. While playing the game and after defeating the final level, I began to get an itch… The old saying is that you can’t go home again. Well, I’m going to give it a try.
While it still very early and in the first draft planning stages, I’ve been using some of my downtime to write out a Tomb Raider E-Story. I’ve done a few test pages and passed them around to friends and the response has been fairly positive. So this is part of the reason for an absence on the blog but I’m hoping to write here about my creative process.

More Soon.

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