Sunday, September 09, 2007

Escape Is Just The Beginning

So I like to consider myself a bit of an entertainment guru. While I was at work today, an assistant manager was leaving work and she caught me asking for movie recommendations. She wanted something creepy so I recommended the 2001 thriller Frailty with Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, and Powers Booth. Totally creepy. What a great movie. Similar to Denzel Washington’s Fallen and the awesome psychological mind-hump The Sixth Sense.
Taking great pride in this recommendation and knowing that she is set for the night with a great movie, allow me to share what the old RMF is into right now. Released just this week on Tuesday (the 4th) is the second season of Prison Break on DVD starring Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell.
With Lost really going off the deep end last season, Prison Break has cemented itself (in my opinion) as the single best television show on TV. I could go on and out about the series and such but you can do Internet searches and find all that info.
I’m pushing to make it through all 22 episodes before September 17th when the third season kicks off. Season 2 ends with a big cliffhanger ending (the same as Season 1) that leaves you saying, “Holy crap. Where are they taking me from here?”
Now, to give you a flip side of the coin, Amy doesn’t like the series because Season One is them escaping from prison (SPOILER ALERT: They escape.) And Season Two is about their flight from justice and trying to make it across the border while being hounded by all kinds of law enforcement. Of course, the escape and the run is what makes the series so incredible. Like the old saying goes, the best laid plans are laid low by mice and men. So things go wrong and the group has to adapt. It is what makes the series so great.
Still, Amy feels the series should have only lasted five or six episodes and be over with.
Seeing that the second season was released on DVD and with the day off, I immediately went and cashed in my change cup at the bank and drove 90-to-nothing towards Wal-Mart. If you have an extra $40 and 22 hours to kill, Prison Break Season Two gets two big thumbs up from your friendly neighborhood entertainment reviewer.
Happy viewing.

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