Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hey, I Actually Have Fans!

One of my first forays into writing was publishing fan fiction entertainment on the Internet. For those not in the know, that is where you take an established property and write a story about it, “publish” it for free on the Internet, and the copyright holders cannot come after for copyright infringements because you are not selling the story.
There are many fan pools out there. Star Wars, Star Trek, The X-Files, etc. But my bread and butter was Tomb Raider. So I wrote these little short stories and put them out there. The first time I got fan mail, I was giddy. I did not need fuel to keep me going as a writer. I am not saying that my success is dependant upon fans… But let’s say that it was like that octane booster that you put with a full tank of gas.
As a writer (or with any creative outlet), you never know how your work is going to be perceived. You can hope. You never want people to come back and say, “This totally sucks. You suck.”
But then when someone gives you a positive review, it is like justification. It makes me proud when people say that they like my stories. Like this blog article that my publishers emailed me today:

And then there is the social network that exists within the World of Warcraft. I admit I am not the most social of players. I think a lot of this stems from the same reason I don’t sit down at a poker table despite being a poker player. I am afraid of making an etiquette mistake. And there are Level 80s rolling around in Azeroth. I don’t want to be that pesky little dog jumping around the big bulldog as it stomps down the sidewalk. I have my friends and I am always friendly and helpful when I can be, but I don’t have the social connections that my other friends do.
So a good friend of mine named Luke is on the game, doing some networking and running with some new players. One of these new players mentions that he works in a comic book shop. This prompts Luke to drop my name.
Believe it or not, the guy knows me!?!
He does not know me but he knows my work because of STOLEN HEARTS. The guy is a fan. Luke is going to prompt an in-game introduction for us. How cool is that? What a small world. I’m looking forward to saying hello to the guy and talking like a couple of comic geeks. I think that is a pretty cool story…

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