Monday, September 18, 2006

Work, work, work, work, work…

Here I am starting a new blog, thinking that I’m going to update this bad boy every couple of days, and I end up getting caught at work, manning shift that have not given me a day off in… Well, I can’t remember. Trust me, if it’s been so long that you cannot accurately recall when your last day off was… It has been way too long. But I keep thinking of that paycheck and how many bills I’m going to pay off and everything seems a little bit better. And, hey, I need the money.

Unfortunately, all this work at my paying job has hindered my writing quite a bit, which makes me kind of grumpy but sometimes you need to step away from a project to really recharge your batteries, get back into it, make the changes necessary and really move forward. Taking a step back is not really the right word. It is like halting your progress so you can have a burst of sprinting speed when you are ready to run again.

But, in spite of all this, things are getting better. It is in to that time of the year where you don’t have to run the air conditioner for every waking minute of the day, things are cooling off at night and Sunday is meant for lounging on the couch watching football doubleheaders that keep you rooted into your sofa cushions. I missed the first half of the Giants/Eagles game being a work but I made it home in time for the middle of the third quarter, the fourth quarter, & overtime. All I can say is, “Gosh dang!” Being down 17 points at the start of the 4th Quarter and coming back to win? Yeah, I think I deserve to brag a little bit. If the Giants could play every quarter like they did the 4th quarter against the Eagles, then I know they could win the Super Bowl… Everyone around me is going to moping about the Oklahoma Sooners’ loss to Oregon but, hey, after the Giants’ miracle performance, it is a darn good day. (If only the Cowboys could have lost…)

Last week I finished PROMISE OF THE WITCH KING by R.A. Salvatore. Salvatore is my favorite author of all time and his Forgotten Realms series are the best I have ever read. This was a worthy read because it continues to explore the character of Jarlaxle is my second favorite drow character of all time behind Drizzt Do’Urden. I’m really looking forward to Road of the Patriarch that comes out in October 2006 and since I was so late in reading Promise, I don’t have to wait that long to jump into the sequel. Always a good thing.

So, if I ever get a day off, I’ll post more musings but for now, I have to get ready for another shift. I just keep thinking of the overtime pay and how I planning on using it to fund my Marvel Legends addiction…
More soon!


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