Monday, November 03, 2008

Rattling the Pillars of Academia… Again.

So on October 30th, I had the pleasure of being a “special guest” and giving two lectures. The last time around, when was first able to add lecturer to my resume, I discussed comic books as a form of literature to a small group of a dozen ladies all wanting to be librarians. This was an older crowd – older but not old. They were pretty close to my age when it came to my demographic. This time around was slightly different…
This time around I spoke at Osage Elementary School. I was speaking to a class room full of six graders discussing Greek mythology and my second lecture had to be moved to the cafeteria to accommodate all the fifth and sixth graders to discuss comic books as literature. I think I was more nervous regarding speaking in front of the kids. I kept telling myself, “Don’t drop any F-Bombs. No F-Bombs.” I am kidding. Actually this was a pretty cool experience.
I discussed how super hero comic books are the modern mythology of our era. When I asked “Who can tell me how Spider-Man got his powers?” everyone raised their hands. I compared the characters of Achilles and Wolverine and Hermes and the Flash.
There were lots of questions asked and everyone was well behaved. I think at that age it is a tremendous sign of interest. When one of the kids asked me what my favorite comic book was I tried not to geek out. Instead, I was fairly reserved and said, “The Avengers,” which caused a ripple through the audience.
I tried to relate by using Harry Potter and Star Wars references, which I got good responses. I made sure to wear an Iron Man shirt to show the kids I was cool and not some stuffy college type guy that would talk down to them or talk at them but instead a regular guy that would talk to them. Afterwards, I got high fives from kids. One person wanted my autograph. I was told I was awesome. Coming from a sixth grader, I guess that is a pretty cool thing to be thought of as cool.
It was a lot of fun and hopefully they will ask me back to talk next year. Of course, by that time, I will hopefully have more books out there so I can say, “Go to this website and you can buy the following books…” I’ll have to do a flyer/handout for them with the website address. Yes, shamelessly shilling and whoring out my work for sales! Mwwhahahaha! I’ve become a real writer!!! Watch you butt, Dan Brown! I’m coming for you!


Anonymous said...

I would have liked to have been at the school for Your Talk!
It does sound COOL!
What's the web site to purchase Your comic books?
Advise me!

Ernie Cox said...

This sounds great. I just hope the teachers heard what you were saying. I've begun buying graphic novels, comic books, Pokemon related books, and more. The kids have been really energized. Some of the teachers....well, I'll let you guess.

Where did you talk to future librarians (aka the coolest people in the world)?

Let's talk soon.