Monday, December 08, 2008

Taking A Little Extra Time for a Good Belly Laugh…

I love to laugh. I know a lot of people might say that but it seems like not everyone lives it. Laughter is very important to me and just as important I like to make people laugh. I think laughter is infectious that can change the entire atmosphere of a location. This brings us to my “Quotes of the Week.”
At my job, I have a clipboard hanging up when you walk in the department that I place a quote for my fellow employees. I’ve been doing it for well over a year now. Often, the quotes can be insightful. I have quoted Mother Theresa and Dr. Martin Luther King. Sometimes, they are topical relating to the season or current events. But when possible, I like to use humorous quotes.
Jack Handey, Demetri Martin and Lewis Black are great sources for quotes. But I found an anonymous quote that was a perfect follow up for Mother Theresa. And the first time I read it, I peed a little bit. I now humbly present that quote for you. Spread it around, use it as you see fit…
“I hope when I die, I go peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather. Not screaming, like the passengers in his car.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan - completely unrelated to your post, but I couldn't find an e-mail address for you. :)

I'm a huge fan of your work - and I wanted to see if you knew when Penance #4 is coming out. (or if it already came out and Midtown Comics didn't order it)

btw; that IS a really funny quote.