Friday, January 19, 2007

No Hope On The Horizon but That's Better Than False Hope...

So after a small mental break yesterday, I have decided that no hope is better than false hope. If my power company would have come to me and said, “It’s going to take two more weeks to get your power on,” I would have preferred that to hoping for the power to come back on. But when you see the neighbors across the street with power, you think that surely you will have yours back.

I have given up that hope and have resigned myself to thinking that it is going to take another two weeks for us to get power back. So if it comes back in a week I will be pleasantly surprised.

It could be worse. I have hot water. We are running off a generator so we do have some electricity and we installed a propane heater to give us some heat. So I keep telling myself… It could be worse. At least I will be able to watch the playoffs this weekend.
I just wish that the governor would come on the TV and give everyone an official update to let everyone know what is going on and know where we are. I think the lack of knowledge is one of the most frustrating things…

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