Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Jason!

I’m very happy and proud to announce that Jason Todd Foley turns eight years old today, November 3, 2006. His party is tomorrow but we are celebrating tonight with pizza and a special “advanced” viewing of Cars on DVD. Amy already took the kids to see in the theater and I’m anticipating a similar reaction that we had with Over the Hedge.
I worked until 5:00 and daylight wise that puts me home at just the right time for a good lightsaber fight out in the yard with the kids. With Jason still excited with his Jedi cloak (complete with hood), the battles have been fairly intense. We had a battle last night and I have to switch up this time to the double bladed Darth Maul saber to try to fend off both of their attacks.
Even three-year-old Lauren gets into the act but I’m having trouble teaching her to hold her lightsaber only by the handle. I mean seriously, if she ever gets a hold of a real lightsaber, she’s going to cut her hands off! It’s my job to teach her the important things a father is supposed to teach his kids!
Yes, it’s good to be immature sometimes. You never really know which memories are going to stick with your kids growing up but I hope that lightsaber fighting with Dad in the side and front yards will be positive ones thirty years from now…

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